The #1 Rule of Email Marketing

Adrian Uwolloh
2 min readSep 8, 2021

Human beings are largely irrational, emotionally driven beings.

Even with all the nifty gadgets, ungodly internet speeds, and the impressive features offered by A.I technology.

…Human nature hasn’t changed.

As much as we like to think of ourselves as higher intelligent beings, at the end of the day we’re all still irrational animals driven by emotions.

And one of those powerful emotions that drive us is the Desire for EXCITEMENT.

Novelty, Entertainment, Drama… that kind of stuff.

In short, don’t be boring.

What does this all have to do with email sales and engagement you might ask?

Because at the end of the day, you are still running a business.

A business deals with SELLING… and selling is an EMOTIONAL activity.

It’s not about your info product, course or problem-solving physical product — it’s about how you present it to your audience.

Present it with excitement! With the fun factor. With personality. Else you’ll just be like the boring, bland masses.

This is not something they teach in business school.

This is not something you learn from a copywriting course.

Without personality, entertainment and excitement…

Without triggering emotions with your emails, your content will be forgotten.

No one will feel COMPELLED to read them and if nobody reads, nobody buys.

Let’s talk about personality for a bit.

In the info product/ course creation space, people are drawn towards ATTRACTIVE PERSONALITIES.

Same goes for physical products too.

Think Steve Jobs (huge personality factor)


In the realm of politics, people like Donald Trump.

An interesting character (personality) combined with an exciting message (emails) is a potent combo for marketing success.

For my paid clients one of the first things we do is construct an exciting and captivating persona for their brand.

One that subscribers will resonate with better and find exciting to follow, listen to and happily give money.

This is also where personality-based stories come in.

Surround your business, personality, and marketing with that aura of excitement & drama that human beings so badly crave, and watch how your emails will shine in your customers’ inbox.

This concept is so important that I could create a course around it and sell it for $500 and even then it would still be cheap.

But you’re getting it for free here so pay attention.

Now there is a right way to make your emails burst with personality and excitement without coming off as a clown.

My premium clients get a taste of this in their business when they work with me.

Maybe I’ll talk about it here one day. Or maybe not.

